Friday, December 16, 2005

Your moment of Glen

7:00 p.m. Gaby goes to sleep for the evening.

Temperature outside: 30 degrees Fahrenheit (22 with Wind Chill)

Decision to be made: Do the meager bit of shoveling that is left after the plowing service has completed the driveway or do something else.

Decision? Play Guitar Hero for 2 1/2 hours. P.S. I rock!

9:45 p.m. Done playing Guitar Hero(for the evening.)

Temperature outside: 24 degrees Fahrenheit (15 with Wind Chill)

Decision to be made: Do the meager bit of shoveling that is left after the plowing services has completed the driveway or do something else.

Decision? Turn on Xbox 360 and begin downloading movie trailers that I've already seen, but this time watch them in 720P on the HDTV.

10:20. Done watching movie trailers (for the evening.)

Temperature outside: 22 degrees Fahrenheit (12 with Wind Chill)

Decision to be made: Do the meager bit of shoveling that is left after the plowing services has completed the driveway or do something else.

Decision? Spend an hour conversing with my friend Bill via email.

11:20. Done emailing with Bill (for the evening.)

Temperature outside: 18 degrees Fahrenheit (8 with Wind Chill)

Decision to be made: Do the meager bit of shoveling that is left after the plowing services has completed the driveway or do something else.

Decision? Freeze my stupid ass off shoveling and de-icing part of the driveway at 11:30 at night when my dumb ass could have been outside for 10 minutes when it was 15 degrees warmer earlier in the evening.

There it is, your moment of Glen.


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